
My name is Umesh Sharma. I love traveling. I wish to see every beautiful part of the earth. My dream land is Antarctica and I wish to visit it one day in my life. I just love nature and wilderness. Till now I have traveled more than 30 states in US and 5 countries in Europe. I love going on Road Trips and as of now I have traveled more than twenty thousands miles in the US. My Favorite place in US is Alaska and if I get a chance I will take on a road trip to Dalton Highway in Alaska.

I am learning a little bit of photography and I would love to get feedback and suggestions on my photos from my fellow bloggers.

87 comments on “About

  1. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my photo! I appreciate it very much. You have a very nice blog – you pictures are wonderful! I look forward to following your posts. 😀

  2. Umesh, thank you for stopping and following my blog recently. We enjoy traveling and I love national parks. They are so natural and pristine. Knowing I will never be able to visit all the national parks in Canada, let alone the world, I will visit them through following your blog.

    Take care,


  3. Thanks for taking a look at my blog. It’s fascinating that you are interested in Antarctica. My book “South Pole Vendetta” came from my own fascination with the continent. I’ll look forward to following your journeys, especially with your dream to going to the South Pole.

  4. Really happy to discover your blog! We like National Parks too, and actually any type of wilderness. Sometimes we don’t have time to travel, but we are trying our best 🙂 And your photos are great!

  5. hi,
    thanks for dropping by at my blog and for liking one of my photos. i love to travel as well, and comes along with it are photos that tells its story. you have great photos in here as well. keep it up! remember, photography is a never-ending journey, what matters is you enjoy every moment of it.


  6. Greetings Umesh! Thanks for checking out my blog. I love your Minnesota Arboretum photos. I haven’t been there for a couple years and I guess it’s time to go back again. So much to see in my own back yard.

    Happy Traveling

  7. Hello, Umesh. Thank you for following my photography blog. I hope it inspires you! Your blog is beautiful and I will enjoy following your travels as well. Happy shooting!

  8. Hello Umesh, thank you for visiting macingosh photography. You have got such a lot of interesting material here. Hope to read much more in the future. Travel on! Best regards, macingosh photography

  9. Hi Umesh,

    I appreciate your very visual block.. you take some nice pictures!! :oD
    I am getting ready to plan my trip for Alaska next spring/ summer, and I get inspiration from blogs like yours…
    What camera and lens are you using? Very nice coloration and a good use of the appropriate aperture. You do any Photoshopping?

  10. Beautiful pictures, my wife and I love doing roadtrips usually to the Westcoast USA but was seriously thinking of the Dalton Highway. I will check back from time to time to catch up on your adventures. Ian.

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